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Thursday, March 03, 2005
Once per 14 days back China

I was a little bit lazy recently without having any new post. And now I have to write sth. down. Actually the first thing came across my mind is this trip I have done to Shenzhen.

In order to continue to stay in HK, I have to exit from HK to China every 14 days and then I will be re-credited by another 14 days' stay. Even it sounds so troublesome, I am able to keep staying as having a annual multi-entry pass to HK.
One thing I really hated to be a Chinese, is the visa thing. Everywhere we want to go we have to gain a visa first. Oh, one good news for our Chinese fellows, we don't need visa to go to Vietnam any more...

So I have taken the bus from Tian Shui Wai to Sheungshui and then I switched to the East Rail to Luohu. I was a little bit worried for the re-entering later on because I have once been caught by the Hong Kong customs about why I am always hanging on Hong Kong. Anyway, for the going out part was not a problem at all. I got out at Luohu and happily found the new Shenzhen MTR was operationg like over a month. It was a little bit funny when I saw people were lost in front of the automatic ticket dispenser and there were a bunch of guilds helping people buying the tickets. It looked like MTR was really a pretty new thing in Zhenzhen. So I decided to take a ride and get out from one station, and just get used to one part of Shenzhen.

Even I was not able to find out a household appliance store, the wandering was a kind of interesting. But the weather was not good at all. I might just hide at home if it was not the fault of 14-day-credit. Then I did a silly thing. I went into the Seibu department store just to warm myself up and ended inside Max & Co., There was a nice white high collar without sleves sweater which looks very nice though it costs more than 1000 yuan. I asked for a trial. And guess what. I screwed up leaving my eyebrows drawings on that white sweater. Oh my god. The worse is it looked like I have lost almost a eyebrow due to the clean up. Few days ago I decided to razor my eyebrows off. But it looked really weired when I get out from home. So I sloved it with drawing them. That moment was really bad. Needless to mention it is an expensive sweater. I left out the trying room leaving the cloth inside. And before the salesgirl reached it I sneaked out from the store. That was pretty close. :-)

The reture was fine. In the shopping center next to the customs I bought a non-code-limitation DVD and 12 good DVD9 pirate copies. Without a single question I passed again the customs and have been credit 14 days again.

Since the trip to Shenzhen is mandatory, I just guess I have to explore more Shenzhen and enjoy my little adventure every time.

by gattomatto 12:00 AM                             (3) comments

It sounds as though you had a real adventure. Can't wait to here about your next trip. By the way, have you gotten your Skype up and running?
Hehe, I liked too. Specially I have ruined that cloth. ;-) I was not able to get my Skype installed as nowhere to buy pirate Mac 10.3 operating system. :-(
I hope you find a copy soon. I was looking forward to chatting with you.
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