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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Fair or unfair

I thought it was once for all, but I was wrong completely. It showed once again my naivety and innocence.

Sitting in the court and watching people who can tell white into black, I felt so disgusted. There are really people without any ethic.

My legal process to retrieve my rights has undergone for six months, including the arbitration process and the current court process. Even seemly most of the facts and evidences are favorable in my side I have been seriously suggested by the judge today that my best solution at this moment is to get a side-agreement with Representative office due to the complication of my case. She said " the objective facts are not equal to the legal facts, and it is not possible to let me judge Foreign Service, as the third party who is not related to any problem happened, to bear all the consequences" The one who has invented the regulation that representative office is not a legal entity is really a dick head. At the end, the court can only judge Foreign Service instead of Representative office. So it turned back again, a side agreement with Representative office. After what they did to me, I was not willing to make any communication with them at all and I merely wanted the justice. But there is no justice!! I am really frustrated by the current situation. The only solution is not to think about it and let my lawyer to handle it.

Telling myself, I have to look forward. That thing is over.

P.S.I felt so grateful to sister. She has taken half day off in order to accompany me to face this court hearing. And she was even angrier than I did on some certain points. I feel so happy in having such a warm and cozy family.

by gattomatto 7:44 PM                             (2) comments

why were you in court?
Well, it was a long story.
I had a unfriendly ending with my former company, thus I sued them to compensate my loss.

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