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Friday, September 02, 2005
Preparation for the new home

It was long time I didn't feel so exhausted on Friday. Since the deadline for the completion of decoration is set ( 14th September, the last day of our current rental), suddenly I realized nothing has been contributed from my side. Considering the high costs of decoration in Hong Kong, we let Professional ( the deco. Co.) mainly take in charge of the basic things: flooring, wall painting, bathroom, greenhouse ect, While all the home furniture, soft decoration stuffs, lamps and curtains, haven't been decided at all. Fully aware of my laziness, I started to worry about. Then I forced myself to get out and check around. After three times visit to Horizon Plaza, Ap Lai Chau, basically we have settled bed, dinning table, sofa, coffee table, dressing table, and outdoor table set with umbrella.
But I still have to buy lamps within next week, on the road going to Ap Lai Chau, fortunately I found a road full of lights shops and I also plan to go to Shenzhen for a curtain purchasing. In general, things in Shenzhen will be much cheaper in HK, but I do have problems: firstly I know few about Shenzhen; secondly, the transportation will be a problem; thirdly, we have to fill the home as soon as possible.
Another issue is I will start the University next Monday, like things often happen, messier it is, more things are coming up.
After my panic started, An followed. But man gets much more serious. For the dinning table, we have to wait for 2 more weeks in order to get certain color we like- the one in stock was in two tones black and red, but An was not willing to wait at all, he wants everything arrive at home at 14th. Then I have to argue with him, after all the efforts we did, why can't we wait 2 more weeks for a better color? At the same time, I felt he might be upset with me. With all the time I had and comparatively I did too few things.
Apart the mess, I guess everything will be fine. Can't wait any more and willing to move into our dream house. hehe

by gattomatto 7:15 PM                             (4) comments

panpan...hey...i didn't really realixze this before, neither you or An know hk very well. there are lot's of little speacialized shopping strets.but I guess there are also a lot of very beautiful, fancy, brand name shops...and you like that, i bet! but what about the street markets for the little things, lamps, trinkets, etc? i'm suprised An is so serious, so panicy...that's not like most east west couples...west is always o relaxed...east is so "Kiasu"-panic, must have, must finish! panic! panic! panic!!!
relax! you've got the main things! ENJOY shopping. this is so special...living together , making a life together. Who cares when you get that table...enjoy the experience together.WE ahve a friend in HK who may know where to shop(hehe...from singapore-she will know) we can ask her
so exciting! you guys getting sich a nice place!If it was me, i'd be of in the villages lookinf for odd local interesting things...probably buy enough for 3 apartments!
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