
                 Gatto Matto

               Daily and Travel Thoughts

                  of a Chinese Woman

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the first tooth of Pietro
Tanti Auguri a me
Baby, Happy 2007
xixi, back again
20th week of my pregnancy
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I am Gatto Matto,
My Place is Shanghai,
Currently I am in HK

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Monday, July 09, 2007
Pietro 9 months and 9 days old

It has been weeks of hot weathers in HK. After more than 2 years staying here, I found myself more and more hating the local weather, apart Nov to Feb beautiful days ( no mosquitos, no sweats), the remaining 8 months are really unbearable. we are forced to stay inside, anywhere with air-conditioned. Although there is air-conditioned Sydrome if people stay too long inside an air-conditioned room, the matter of fact is, it is impossible to don't.
we have been to swimming pool three times with Pietro, one time to the beach. He seems incrediblly coping well with the water, no fear at all. Pietro is learning so fast, just think 9 months a ago, he is basically a little "worm" can't roll, can't express, can't see well. And now he indicates what he wants, uses many sounds to express himself and more and more moible (crawl and stand with support). Life is really a fascinating thing. Never imaged a baby can bring so many, at the same time demand so many. Everything we take for granted as a adult, actually need to be learnt one by one by the new life.
I totally agree, to be parent is the completion of our life ( they say to woman, I guess it works also for man). It does give us many different prospectives to re-think about us, our parents. we become much cautious about our future steps, meanwhile we start to understand to be much less picking with our parents.
However, I am quite scared at the same time by the responsiblity we are going to carry in the rest of our lives. Considering there are billions and billions parents out there, I guess what I have to do is take a easy, start to think about a little bit more about myself. What's my next move??

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by gattomatto 3:02 PM                             (0) comments

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
the first tooth of Pietro

April 14, the first sign of tooth
April 23, sharp tooth visible, but level as the gums

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by gattomatto 11:04 AM                             (0) comments

Friday, April 06, 2007
Tanti Auguri a me

30, a scary number for woman, I guess. Even very unwillingly, I had to say goodbye to my 20s and enter a 30s stage. Really scary, I have to admit.
Still, I am quite statisfied about what I "acheived", just helped sister to review her yearly career plan, allow me to use some ambitious words...the biggest acheivment, for sure, is my Pietro. He is six months and 4 days. An has taken one day off for my birthday, he is really sweet in this kind of prespective. We went to Causeway Bay, a French resteraunt, one declares " they have the best French Mussels out of France". As a matter of fact, I am manica of French Mussels (who know why). Anyway, fairly enough for my birthday. We decided to bring Pietro with us, as a family, I think is unfair to let him out of our celebration. It turned out to be quite difficult to carry out. In this nice cosy French resteraunt, few minutes after we sat down, Pietro started to protest. An was kind of paranoia under a situation like this, he started to say, we got to leave as Pietro was making mess. However, I disagreed. At the end, we managed Pietro all along the table and he wasn't so annoying... Mio cochino, you deserve a big kiss from mummy... An and I, we have consumed a bottle of nice white wine... long time we didn't drink wine like this... it was really nice, we were giggling when we got out and due to the fact of alcohol I mistakenly gave extra 200 as the tip!!! Ooops, never been so generous...
Dinner, we celebrated with parents, with noddles as well as a birthday cake.
hehe, A full birthday, at last a "silent" wish and " Tanti Auguri a me"
P.S. this entry is two days late, the correct date should be April 4th...

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by gattomatto 6:05 PM                             (0) comments

Monday, January 01, 2007
Baby, Happy 2007

Today is the first day of 2007, as suggested by mang friends i should start to record the growth of Pietro.
The day after tomorrow I am going back Shanghai since one and a half year. Kinda of confused feeling...
Already quite late now, will write more things down tomorrow.

baci a tutti

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by gattomatto 11:22 PM                             (0) comments

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
xixi, back again

Today:36 week 2/7 day, less than one month to go...
A little summary about what i have done recently:
1. finished the final project for the university in August. Graduated as MA. Now wait to attend the congregation in Nov.
2. although I have taken a long time, finally the website for trapella is finished. http://www.cascinatrapella.eu
3. wraught door is installed in the Garden side, I feel much more sure about home security.
4. preparing ginger vinger ( a long story, I will write in a seperate article)
5. Having problems in obtaining dependent visa for Hong Kong due to my Chinese citizenship, after two extensions of my student visa, I am able to deliver the baby in HK.
6. weight increased from 56kg up to 74kg. guess i will have to do a lot of efforts after baby is born.
7. A total 3 times ultrasound scan, the 2nd one was a high-resolution ultrasound scan. very interesting. I might make up this article which is still in draft.
8. Developed a friendship with another new mum in VP, she had her daughter end of July.
9. ehmm, very important!!! we have decided to name our baby-- PIETRO, Italian version for Peter, hehe, if we use my surname, he will be our Peter Pan, haha
10. yes, almost forgot, several serious big shoppings for Pietro. Almost everything is equipped. ;)
11. attending prenatal checkups and lessons. and keep learning things for NB.
12. got to find item twelve: hospital pack is ready, and wait for Pietro's call.

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by gattomatto 11:42 AM                             (1) comments

Thursday, June 15, 2006
20th week of my pregnancy

本来好端端写到一半的article, 不晓得怎么回事竟没有保存下来。我顿时泄了气。自意大利回来又发生了许多值得纪录的事。想想许久没写中文了,不如换换胃口。
20周星期一下午和老公,妈妈准时到达龚医生诊所。虽说约好的时间是3:15pm, 我们却足足等了近一个小时。老公不久就开始抱怨了。想想他特地请假陪我,却在那傻等,是很不值。在准备发飙以前,却轮到我了。
老公乐呵呵的跟我进去。在肚皮上涂了一堆凉凉的膏体之后,医生终于出现了。说老实话,前面5分钟还真没看懂。只知道宝宝的心脏,左心房右心房等等等等。 老公却follow的很好,想他当年学了一年医学的底子,还是有帮助的。既然看不很懂,最重要的是医生说宝宝各个器官都正常。我当然就很放心了。
下面的部分我的participation就多多了。医生给我们看了宝宝的侧面,胖乎乎的脸,感觉和他爸一样。小嘴还在一张一和的。那一刹,真觉得好幸福哦。眼泪也不自觉的涌了出来。然后医生问我们要不要知道宝宝的性别,我回答说要的。然后他用鼠标指着一个小小突起物,在旁边打上“male", 呵呵,是个小子。那一瞬间感觉很奇妙。虽说自从怀孕以来我就相当确认他是男宝宝,原因嘛,是因为老妈说她怀男孩的时候没有任何妊娠反应,而怀我和姐姐是却反应很大。不知怎的,第六感告诉我,我没有前期的妊娠反应应该是男孩了。可是,自己一直是叫嚣着要女孩的,可能是小时候没有洋娃娃的缘故,很想有个可爱的真洋娃娃可以给我打扮。看来下一胎我们要努力生女儿了。呵呵。
前前后后十几分钟的b 超,最后医生还给我们刻了光盘带回去。
Conclusion: 宝宝一切正常!!!wow wow :)

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by gattomatto 5:21 PM                             (0) comments

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Back to my blog life

Two weeks past since we were back from Italy. The weather was so nasty: hot, humid and continuous raining. The Uni Summer term hasn't yet started, so basically, I don't have any clue or guildline for the final project. I guess i have nothing to worry about except the unbirthed baby. Next Monday will be the 20th week of my pregnancy. I have appointed a high resolution ultrasound scan in order to be sure that the baby is growing fine and to know his or her gender.
I am already having a quite obvious bump in my stomach. Mother keeps saying the baby looks too big. Moreover, I have added 7.4kg since my pregnancy. The book says a 10 to 12 kg increasement is more suitable. And there are still 4 months to go. Although I don't think I am super hungry as many pregnant women, it will be better to pay more attention. I really don't want the baby become too big and it will be much more difficult for a natural delivery.
The trip to Italy was fine, mainly we stayed at Trapella. Oh, one thing need to mention, i am in charge to build a website for trapella, as we decided to lend our part of the house to Laura ( An's sister) for an agritourism purpose. Once the website is done i will add the link in my blog. Ciro and his girl friend came to see us, and he bought nice gifts for the baby. Ciro, I hope you won't find this entry. Anyway, I think you deserve a better girl friend. I am bad, am I?? We also went to visit Maurizia (An's ex-secretary in his former company), it was amazing we felt closer after many years. Maurizia speaks perfect German and she is ready to teach our baby German as well. Haha, poor baby, just image how many languages you are going to learn: Chinese, Italian, English, French, German (if possible) and several dialects ( Cantonese, Shanghainese, ect), will be a big mess at the beginning. ;) We went to Torino/Turin with An's parents ( they have been studing Chinese for 2 years in Torino, every Wednesday they drive from Casale to Torino and it takes an hour by car), Turino is a nice city in stead of its taken for granted industrial impression, there are sweets shops and ice cream shops few meters far from the other, in Torino, I got to know the Chinese tutor of An's parents. She also married with an Italian, and lived in Torino for 4 or 5 years, although she is younger than me. She seemed to be very willing to know me personally and already got many information about us from my mother-in-law. I assume in Torino she didn't have many decent Chinese friends; ha, talking about Chinese in Italy, I managed to buy 2 pieces of "doufu"- "bean curd" in the local Casale Wenzhounese take-away restaurant, they were quite friendly although my request wasn't so usual. and with An's mother and sister we prepared a mega Chinese feast for 11 people. ;)
I will add some photos i have taken in Italy...

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by gattomatto 11:58 AM                             (0) comments