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Sunday, August 07, 2005
My Hunting of HK friends

Since An is away, suddenly I realized I am having an really unhealthy type of life. I hardly have friends here.
It seems I was back 10 years ago, when this silly 18-year-old girl first arrived at Shanghai in a drizzly morning. Alone, knowing nobody and was willing to afford all her life from zero. Now I am back to the same departure line, apart An, HK is fresh as 10 years ago Shanghai to me.
The good thing is I did grow a lot in the past 10 years, and I already became a funny wise matured woman. (sorry for my such-high self-evaluation) Since I figured out the problem, the next step is to fix it.
Quickly, I found some methods to get to know new friends.
1. during browsing internet, I found this gter website and its gter HK forum is doing damn well. Basically, it collects all the students from mainland who study in HK. Without a big effort I found two future classmates: one from Shenzhen, 6 years younger than me, a fresh graduate from university; another from Beijing, 5 years elder than me, one really worked in the field of media. Only CityU is going to have 30 new mainland students for its 2005 September semester. And of course, I am one of it.
2. Through a outdoor activity magazine, I got to know this local cww website. Local Hongkongers arrange outdoor activities. And if people is interested can apply to join them. After two emails ( one in Simplified Chinese, one in English), I still get no answer from them ;-( Meanwhile, I am quite worried about my cantonese ability. I felt very awkward that often people can not communicate with me in Mandarin.
3. www.doyouhike.net : one of the best hicking websites in China. They have Mofang@HongKong. Already enrolled an activity.
4. Maybe a Sunday Church gathering: not so sure right now.
OK, that's all for the moment. Anyone gets good advice please feel free to let me know,
Good night!!

by gattomatto 12:09 AM                             (2) comments

Starting again, in a new place, finding new friends and new challenges : It is refreshing, isn't it ? It may be a challenge at the beginning but it is something you will add to your previous efforts without loosing your achievements. You have a solid base of friends from your hometown to Shanghai to many other places in the world (Australia, Thailand, Italy, US, even Tunisia, just to mention some of them). Now you can add more in Hong Kong being in the right direction to achieve the "old traveller status" where you have friends and acquaintances in every harbour, and you can feel at home in many different places.
We need a world without borders :-) An
I know exactly what you mean. Starting out isn't always easy. I have just moved to a very small village in Surrey and find people to talk to is a challenge, let alone a friend. You have made a wonderful start and i'm sure you will do better when university starts. As for the language, I have every confidence that you will pick it up in time. This is a new adventure for you have fun with it and know that you have friends everywhere. lol Sonny
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