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Friday, September 10, 2004
My dream about teeth falling off

I had a strange dream last night.
It is not the first time I dreamed about loosing teeth, but this time it was so real!
The whole downside teeth were soft and I just took them out without blood, but they had veins linked. I was even not so scared, to be honest, the only thing I thought was "I must see a dentist". And I did believe my teeth were almost off when I waked up.

Under An's suggestion, I went through Google and tried to find a dream interpretation.
Following are the results I have found out:
1.Loss of control over certain aspects of one's life. Powerlessness, unable to influence things or the outcome of things important. Loss of self-esteem in a situation or a chronic problem.
2.you may be afraid of being embarrassed in a particular situation. Another explanation is that teeth represent power, as they are used for biting and tearing. Therefore, dreaming of loosing your teeth could mean that you are feeling disenfranchised. Or you could have actually lost your false ones and are worried that your bin man is going to think that you are Jeffrey Dahmer's successor…
3.If your teeth are rotten, crooked, and/or falling out this means that your lies are hurting someone very badly and that you will soon be found out. It becomes much easier to interpret this kind of dream if you think of teeth as representing words.
4. When you think of teeth, it is a part of you that is exposed, that is seen by the public, just like your public image. This picture of teeth falling out brings certain feelings up. Teeth falling out could give a feeling of insecurity, or vulnerability or weakness. Perhaps you feel that you have been seen as vulnerable by others. Think about the image. Write down how it makes you feel. Where in your life have you been feeling that same emotion?
5.Teeth often represent decisions, therefore problems with teeth may represent long-standing indecisiveness or an inability to assimilate, analyze or make decisions about incoming data
Losing teeth may represent an identity crisis, ugly gossip or talking too much
Teething may indicate moving into a new phase of life
6. It can literally mean that you are frightened of losing your teeth. It can show the beginning of a new phase of life just as we lose our teeth when we pass from early childhood and head towards adulthood. You may be worried about your self image or the dream may signify unexpressed anxiety.

Very interesting explanations, it sound like what is really happening to me in this period. I need to take a decision. Hehe

by gattomatto 7:00 AM                             (2) comments

Well done!
[url=http://fogdzhsu.com/ivbz/pxth.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://oceaatoj.com/gjxu/atno.html]Cool site[/url]
Thank you!
http://fogdzhsu.com/ivbz/pxth.html | http://jgldqhyz.com/hmzi/ptvj.html
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